Fight for the Right Cause -SARS-CoV-2

Fight for the Right Cause -SARS-CoV-2

In the ICU compartment of the Orthopaedic and Traumatology compartment, of the Emergency County Hospital are at the moment 10 ICU beds and only one ventilator. The budget allocated to the public health care was very low during the past years (< 3% gross national product), and this is why there is a shortage of ventilators and other advanced monitoring and devices on the medical wards.

This project aims to provide medical equipment, personnel protection equipment (PPE) to the ICU compartment of Orthopaedic Clinic (Emergency County Hospital), to fight COVID19 pandemic. The ICU unit provides healthcare for 5 surrounding counties (for the severe cases), is a university hospital with many medical students and residents being trained there. The PPE would prevent medical staff, doctor and nurses to protect from Coronavirus contamination during work time on patients with SARS-Cov2, and the medical devices will help cure patients who are in need for mechanical ventilation, and also protect doctors from contamination with the virus, during intubation of the trachea. Adding new medical supply would improve medical care, help to raise the standards of care, improve access to health care, reduce mortality and improve outcome, in our community, as long as the pandemic will continue for several months, and thereafter.

This project addresses disease prevention and management offering conditions that would improve medical care. We’ll search for:

  • Number of personnel infected with SARS-Cov2/month (as compared with other clinics of the Emergency county hospital);
  • Number of patients with respiratory insufficiency treated (as compared with January 2020);
  • Number of patients who benefited of video laryngoscopy (as compared with January 2020);
  • Mortality rate in the ICU compartment: stroke, myocardial ischemia, respiratory failure, death (as compared with January 2020).

The value of the project was around 195.000 LEI and equip the hospital with a Lyra 2 Ventilator, Video Laryngoscope and FPP2 Mask. Rotary Cluj-Napoca Cetatuie has implemented this international project in collaboration with Rotary Billund as an international partner.

Other partners: District 2241, RC Visio Cluj-Napoca, RC Opera Cluj-Napoca, RC SAMVS Cluj-Napoca, RC Cluj-Napoca, RC Năsăud, RC Deva, RC Gherla, RC Dej, RC Tîrgu-Mureș Maris, RC Bucuresti Triumph and RC Reghin. 

Ventilator Lyra X 2
Ventilator Lyra X 2
 Intubation Video Endoscope
Intubation Video Endoscope